About Us
The Coalinga-Huron Library District has books, audio books, videos, DVDs and music CDs available for check out. If we do not have a title you are looking for, we may be able to obtain it from one of the other San Joaquin Valley Library System member libraries. Items can be requested through the library’s online catalog and can be transferred to the Coalinga or Huron branch for pick-up.
Books, audio books and music CDs check out for three weeks; videos and DVDs check out for one week. Videos and DVDs must be checked out on an adult card and are limited to three items per card at one time. The late fine for library books, audio books and CDs is 10 cents for each day each item is late. The late fine for videos and DVDs is $2 per day per item. Videos and DVDs must be brought into the library; do not return them in the outside bin.
The Coalinga Library has an extensive collection of reference materials–encyclopedias, medical/prescription reference publications, travel, high school yearbooks, etc.– which are to be used only within the library. While reference materials may not be checked out, photocopies are available for 20¢ per page.

Library History
The Coalinga-Huron Library District was formed in 1912 as a school/library district, which means that the districts share the same board. We are a special district in Fresno County with a main library in Coalinga and a branch library in Huron. In 1913, the district was given a Carnegie grant of $20,000 for the main library building in Coalinga, which was completed and opened to the public in September 1914. The Huron Branch Library lot was purchased by the Coalinga Union High School District Library Board from the Mouren family. The building for the library was the old kindergarten building of the Huron School. The branch library was opened on February 28, 1950, three months after the building and lot were purchased. Not only does the Coalinga Library offer books, audio books, reference materials, periodicals, CDs and DVDs, it is also the home of an extensive collection of California and Native American history.